
Copyright © 2016 Laurent Stokvis. The copyright holder of this website, blogs and other texts on this website, collectively “information”, is Laurent Stokvis. In limitation thereof the author of an “information”, is copyright holder of that information. By submitting “information” to the website the person submitting “information” grants Mr. Laurent Stokvis, his substitute or the webmaster the right to post and publish the “information” on this website, without requiring any further consent or notice, and without requesting any compensation for himself or herself, or for anybody else.

The name of the author and/or of the person submitting “information” will be mentioned at the end of a posted or published ïnformation”. The author is solely responsible for the content of his/ her contribution. The Netherlands law and the Netherlands courts exclusively govern any dispute relating to this website, postings and/or publications. The Dutch version of this copyright notice is the authentic one.