While war is raging in Ukraine a discussion is starting up whether this country should become a member state of the EU. To become a member state a...Read More
You may wonder why I draw attention to the suspension of Joanna Hetnarowicz-Sikora, a judge at the district court of Slupsk, as I wrote about the attack of...Read More
Prime Minister Morawiecki stated in his address to the European Parliament, 19 October 2021, that “European integration is a civilizational and strategic choice. We are here, we belong...Read More
The European Commission, the Council and the European Parliament are not known for taking decisions without thorough reflection and discussion. It is particularly careful when investigating actions of...Read More
Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged getting Brexit done. He did, by doing the unthinkable, erecting a trade barrier within the UK in order to avoid one between the...Read More